A curated project library for Hammer For Mac. Rock Hammer contains baseline typography, plus styling for common HTML elements including images, forms and tables, as well as navigation, responsive modules and widgets
Rock Hammer’s baseline typography defaults including headings, block and text-level text elements and all types of lists.
First-level headings are marked up using ‹h1›
Typeface: Palatino
The heading above is a first-level, heading one that may be used for page titles as well as titles in sectioning elements including ‹body›
, ‹section›
and ‹article›
Second-level headings are marked up using ‹h2›
Typeface: Palatino
The heading above is a second-level, heading two. You may use more than one to create a document, section or article outline.
Third-level headings are marked up using ‹h3›
Typeface: Palatino
The heading above is a third-level, heading three. You may use more than one to create a document, section or article outline.
Fourth, fifth and sixth level headings are marked up using ‹h4› ‹h5› ‹h6›
Typeface: Palatino
The headings above are a fourth, fifth and sixth level, headings four, five and six. Use to create a document, section or article outline.
A geologist’s hammer, rock hammer, rock pick or geological pick is a hammer used for splitting and breaking rocks.
An additional lead
class alters a paragraph’s presentation.
A geologist’s hammer, rock hammer, rock pick or geological pick is a hammer used for splitting and breaking rocks. In field geology, they are used to obtain a fresh surface of a rock in order to determine its composition, nature, mineralogy, history and field estimate of rock strength. In fossil collecting and mineral collecting, they are employed to break rocks with the aim of revealing fossils inside. Geologists’ hammers are also sometimes used for scale in a photograph.
An additional secondary
class alters a paragraph’s presentation.
A geologist’s hammer, rock hammer, rock pick or geological pick is a hammer used for splitting and breaking rocks. In field geology, they are used to obtain a fresh surface of a rock in order to determine its composition, nature, mineralogy, history and field estimate of rock strength. In fossil collecting and mineral collecting, they are employed to break rocks with the aim of revealing fossils inside. Geologists’ hammers are also sometimes used for scale in a photograph.
An additional tertiary
class alters a paragraph’s presentation.
A geologist’s hammer, rock hammer, rock pick or geological pick is a hammer used for splitting and breaking rocks. In field geology, they are used to obtain a fresh surface of a rock in order to determine its composition, nature, mineralogy, history and field estimate of rock strength. In fossil collecting and mineral collecting, they are employed to break rocks with the aim of revealing fossils inside. Geologists’ hammers are also sometimes used for scale in a photograph.
Block quotes are marked up using ‹blockquote›
tags. You may use an optional ‹cite›
element to cite an attribution.
A geologist’s hammer, rock hammer, rock pick or geological pick is a hammer used for splitting and breaking rocks. In field geology, they are used to obtain a fresh surface of a rock in order to determine its composition, nature, mineralogy, history and field estimate of rock strength. In fossil collecting and mineral collecting, they are employed to break rocks with the aim of revealing fossils inside. Geologists’ hammers are also sometimes used for scale in a photograph.
Rock Hammer
An additional pull-right
class alters a block quote’s presentation.
A geologist’s hammer, rock hammer, rock pick or geological pick is a hammer used for splitting and breaking rocks.
Rock Hammer
There are several types of HTML list. List items are marked up using ‹li›
Unordered lists are marked up using ‹ul›
tags. An unordered list describes a collection of items.
An additional inline
class alters a list’s presentation.
Ordered lists are marked up using ‹ol›
tags. An ordered list may have various numbering schemes presented through CSS.
A definition list ‹dl›
consists of pairs of definition terms ‹dt›
and definition descriptions ‹dd›
An additional dl-horizontal
class alters a definition list’s presentation.
Text level HTML elements may be used within other elements. They include: em and strong for semantic emphasis, i and b for presentational formatting, abbr abbreviations, cite citations, code
example, del, ins for visibly deleted and inserted content, dfn definitions, mark for highlighted passages and sup superscript and sub subscript.
Note: img-rounded
and img-circle
are unsupported by IE7-8.
Commonly used navigation patterns including tabs and pills, breadcrumbs and pagination.
Basic navbar is marked up using ‹ul›
tags with an additional navbar
and navbar--inner
All navigation units are marked up using ‹ul›
tags with an additional nav nav-tabs
A geologist’s hammer, rock hammer, rock pick or geological pick is a hammer used for splitting and breaking rocks.
A geologist’s hammer, rock hammer, rock pick or geological pick is a hammer used for splitting and breaking rocks. In field geology, they are used to obtain a fresh surface of a rock in order to determine its composition, nature, mineralogy, history and field estimate of rock strength. In fossil collecting and mineral collecting, they are employed to break rocks with the aim of revealing fossils inside. Geologists’ hammers are also sometimes used for scale in a photograph.
An additional tabs-below
class alters the presentation.
A geologist’s hammer, rock hammer, rock pick or geological pick is a hammer used for splitting and breaking rocks.
A geologist’s hammer, rock hammer, rock pick or geological pick is a hammer used for splitting and breaking rocks. In field geology, they are used to obtain a fresh surface of a rock in order to determine its composition, nature, mineralogy, history and field estimate of rock strength. In fossil collecting and mineral collecting, they are employed to break rocks with the aim of revealing fossils inside. Geologists’ hammers are also sometimes used for scale in a photograph.
An additional tabs-left
class alters the presentation.
A geologist’s hammer, rock hammer, rock pick or geological pick is a hammer used for splitting and breaking rocks.
A geologist’s hammer, rock hammer, rock pick or geological pick is a hammer used for splitting and breaking rocks. In field geology, they are used to obtain a fresh surface of a rock in order to determine its composition, nature, mineralogy, history and field estimate of rock strength. In fossil collecting and mineral collecting, they are employed to break rocks with the aim of revealing fossils inside. Geologists’ hammers are also sometimes used for scale in a photograph.
An additional tabs-right
class alters the presentation.
A geologist’s hammer, rock hammer, rock pick or geological pick is a hammer used for splitting and breaking rocks.
A geologist’s hammer, rock hammer, rock pick or geological pick is a hammer used for splitting and breaking rocks.
A geologist’s hammer, rock hammer, rock pick or geological pick is a hammer used for splitting and breaking rocks. In field geology, they are used to obtain a fresh surface of a rock in order to determine its composition, nature, mineralogy, history and field estimate of rock strength. In fossil collecting and mineral collecting, they are employed to break rocks with the aim of revealing fossils inside. Geologists’ hammers are also sometimes used for scale in a photograph.
Breadcrumbs are marked up using ‹ul›
tags with an additional breadcrumb
Pills are marked up using ‹ul›
tags with additional nav
and nav-pills
Lists are marked up using ‹ul›
tags with additional nav
and nav-list
classes. nav-header
class also alters the presentation of list items.
Stacked tabs are marked up using ‹ul›
tags with additional nav
, nav-tabs
and nav-stacked
Stacked pills are marked up using ‹ul›
tags with additional nav
, nav-pills
and nav-stacked
All pagination units are marked up using ‹ul›
tags with an additional pagination
An additional pagination-centered
class alters the presentation.
An additional pagination-right
class alters the presentation.
Additional pagination-large
, pagination-small
and pagination-mini
classes alters the presentation.
Hero units are marked up using ‹div›
tags with an additional hero-unit
A geologist’s hammer, rock hammer, rock pick or geological pick is a hammer used for splitting and breaking rocks.
All media units are marked up using ‹div›
tags with additional media-unit
, media-body
and media-heading
classes. Optional pull-left
and pull-right
classes float anchored images.
All alert units are marked up using ‹div›
tags with an additional alert
Additional alert--error
, alert--info
and alert--success
classes alters their presentation.
All well units are marked up using ‹div›
tags with an additional well
A geologist’s hammer, rock hammer, rock pick or geological pick is a hammer used for splitting and breaking rocks.
An additional well--large
class alters the presentation.
A geologist’s hammer, rock hammer, rock pick or geological pick is a hammer used for splitting and breaking rocks.
An additional well--small
class alters the presentation.
A geologist’s hammer, rock hammer, rock pick or geological pick is a hammer used for splitting and breaking rocks.
An additional form-search
class alters the presentation.
An additional form-inline
class alters the presentation.
An additional form-horizontal
class alters the presentation.
Buttons are marked up using either ‹button›
, ‹input›
or ‹a›
tags with an additional btn
class. Additional classes alter their presentation.
An additional btn
class creates a standard button.
An additional btn-primary
class alters the presentation.
An additional btn-info
class alters the presentation.
An additional btn-success
class alters the presentation.
An additional btn-warning
class alters the presentation.
An additional btn-inverse
class alters the presentation.
Additional btn-mini
, btn-small
, btn-large
and btn-extlarge
classes alters the presentation.
Tabular data is marked up using ‹table›
tags with an additional table
Header | Header | Header |
Data | Data | Data |
Data | Data | Data |
Data | Data | Data |
An additional table-condensed
class alters the presentation.
Header | Header | Header |
Data | Data | Data |
Data | Data | Data |
Data | Data | Data |
An additional table-striped
class alters the presentation.
Header | Header | Header |
Data | Data | Data |
Data | Data | Data |
Data | Data | Data |
An additional table-bordered
class alters the presentation.
Header | Header | Header |
Data | Data | Data |
Data | Data | Data |
Data | Data | Data |
Additional table-condensed
, table-bordered
and table-striped
classes may be combined.
Header | Header | Header |
Data | Data | Data |
Data | Data | Data |
Data | Data | Data |
A geologist’s hammer, rock hammer, rock pick or geological pick is a hammer used for splitting and breaking rocks.
A geologist’s hammer, rock hammer, rock pick or geological pick is a hammer used for splitting and breaking rocks.
A geologist’s hammer, rock hammer, rock pick or geological pick is a hammer used for splitting and breaking rocks.
A geologist’s hammer, rock hammer, rock pick or geological pick is a hammer used for splitting and breaking rocks.
A geologist’s hammer, rock hammer, rock pick or geological pick is a hammer used for splitting and breaking rocks. In field geology, they are used to obtain a fresh surface of a rock in order to determine its composition, nature, mineralogy, history and field estimate of rock strength. In fossil collecting and mineral collecting, they are employed to break rocks with the aim of revealing fossils inside. Geologists’ hammers are also sometimes used for scale in a photograph.
A geologist’s hammer, rock hammer, rock pick or geological pick is a hammer used for splitting and breaking rocks.